From September 22nd through the 25th I visited my brother's 265 acre property in Northern Ontario. The daytime weather was gorgeous and, as soon as the sun went down, the nighttime temperatures were cold. We had a bonfire every night to keep warm.
In no particular order, the following photos are just a selection of some of my favorites - bad as some are - to remember the trip by. The morning fog and bright sun made it somewhat challenging for light conditions.
Freshly emerged Monarch butterfly clinging to sunless
wood pile for over 24 hours. |
No life birds were seen during my brief stay in Northern Ontario - but, there was one possibility; American Three-toed Woodpecker. I heard the sharp chip note of a woodpecker that, if I was in the lower peninsula, would have not created a question mark. But, in N. Ontario? I finally found the bird; indeed, a Hairy Woodpecker.
I did see a life butterfly - unfortunately, no chance for a photo - of the northern version of Red-spotted Purple, a
White Admiral (Limenitis arthemis arthemis). It's somewhat difficult to see how this is a sub-species of the Red-spotted Purple - but it is.
Poor photo of Red-breasted Nuthatch |
The property's original building nicknamed "the mouse house." |
Poor photo of coyote hunting the meadow |
Beautiful spiderweb high up in tree |
Pileated Woodpecker |
The swamp or bog |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Hermit Thrush |
White-crowned Sparrow |
Same bird - probably a hatch year bird. |
Monach butterfly gently lifted from the sunless wood pile and placed
in the sun. It flew away an hour later. |
Palm Warbler |
White-throated Sparrow |
A view of Basswood Lake |
Pond across from my brother's bog. |
Swamp Sparrow - what a miss! Could have been such a
good photo. |
I was amazed by all the spiderwebs here |
Northern Flicker perfectly posed but made fuzzy by the
early morning fog. |
Study in cuteness - baby Red Squirrel. There were two playing under
the mouse house. |
Pretty pink bog plant |
Bog or swamp on my brother's land. Though it appears
perfect for moose browsing, I never did see a moose ...
or a bear. |
Song Sparrow. Counting junco and Lincoln, this was a seven
sparrow species two days. |
Savannah Sparrow |
Same Savannah |
Unidentified dragonfly |
Unidentified slow and fuzzy tiny insect that the
Green Darners hawked and ate. |
Savannah Sparrow |
Green Darner (I think) |
Canoeing around Ralph Lake - the most pristine lake I have
ever been on. The bright sun mutes the bursting color of the
deciduous leaves. |
The long view from the bottom of the driveway |