Sunday, March 20, 2016

First day of spring

This morning I joined the Oakland Audubon outing to Belle Isle led by Mike Mencotti.  Unfortunately, while standing out in the open looking at ducks on the lagoon, I became too cold too quickly and had to leave the group.

Before I did, I took a photo of this little guy behind the nature center.

White-breasted Nuthatches were plentiful and vociferous.

I had three target birds for this morning - yellow-bellied sapsucker, Eastern phoebe and fox sparrow.  I was successful with one.

A few mallards were around.

Taken at the last minute, a terrible photo of our harbinger of spring.

A few wood duck pairs were around, including a pair that flew from tree to tree and away from me.

I thought this pile of sticks and mud was interesting.  I haven't been to Belle Isle since last fall so it's new since then.  It doesn't seem to be functioning like a beaver den and this water is not clean enough for beavers.  Muskrat?  However, when I read the Michigan Nature Guy's blog and saw his photo of a beaver den, I wasn't so sure.  If it is - would be truly incredible!

My favorite bird to photograph in spring.  For robin photos, now's the time.

Working in the backyard this afternoon, I found a couple of sunbathers

A pair of robins seem interested in my yard for nesting.  

My other sunbather.

While it wasn't super active this morning, it was evident that things will pop soon.  It's official, spring is here.

Addendum:  From the 03/26/2016 New York Times:  Recognizing Spring, Scientifically

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