Wednesday, May 22, 2024

We meet again

My eBird checklist from my Monday, May 6th visit to Magee Marsh included a bird that was identified as rare in the Magee Marsh area.  At that visit, this was another bird I had not seen in years.  I had my newly purchased dragonfly camera with me for practicing and could not get photos of the distant Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) with that camera.  This time, when I completed my eBird checklist, I did not have to add the bird to my list, and I had these photos to include.  

It was still present, favoring the same tree, on Sunday, May 19th.  This time I was able to snag, no pun intended and distant as they are, a few photos that I am pleased with.

  Handsome and unique appearing flycatcher!


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