Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Marbled Godwit

On the beach beneath Torrey Pines State Park, a huge, long beach with tide going out, I came across my only shorebird.

Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a striking shorebird.  I didn't need to post all of these photos on my blog but, truthfully, I'll probably never see this bird again in this way.  All alone, seemingly completely unperturbed by people, although I didn't test it, I couldn't stop clicking the camera.  I don't use a photo editing tool, only Apple's photo editing options.  As already mentioned, the sun was high and harsh and so the bird seems dark in the photos.  Seeing this bird and walking along side of it was a marvelous experience.  

Don't forget to click on the image for enlarged viewing. 

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