Friday, May 13, 2016

Magee Marsh - practicing for the NAMC on Saturday

Having trouble transferring my photos from Picasa to my blog.  Anyone else having trouble?  I used a very time-consuming copy and paste to get the photos below on.  I did send feedback to Google ... appreciate any feedback from active Google bloggers who also use Picasa.

Took a day off to go birding yesterday.  Overall, the birding was active, but not quite what I was expecting.  The place was thronged.  At various spots along the boardwalk it was impassable.

I saw Yellow-throated Warbler, but missed Kirkland's Warbler. Surprisingly, of these two birds I believe that yellow-throated warbler may be the more uncommon for Magee Marsh. 

I was thrilled with this Lincoln's Sparrow, perched up in good light.

This baby Great Horned Owl remained perched here all day and attracted a crowd.

Preening Chestnut-sided Warbler

Swainson's Thush

Quiz: Can you see a bird in this photo?  Which bird?

Black-throated Green Warbler

Three frogs on a log.  I think the top frog is a green frog, the middle frog a leopard frog, but I don't know which the dark frog is at the center bottom of the photo.  Comments appreciated.


Fresh black swallowtail

I hope this Picasa/blogger glitch gets fixed quickly!  Counting for the NAMC tomorrow and hope to have something to post - hopefully not the copy and paste way!

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