Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baby robins fledge

In the past several days since I've been laid up, I've been following a baby robin drama in a tree in my neighbor's back yard directly behind mine.  Two baby robins have been exercising their wings and begging from a sturdy nest built at the end of a needleless conifer bough.  Both parents fly in and out to take turns feeding at which point the nestlings excited squeaks can be heard.  Over the nest a bough full of needles offers some protection from above.

This morning the nestlings became fledglings - well sort of.  One is perched just inches to the left of the nest and the other is perched on the edge of the nest.

A couple of nights ago I worried that the strong winds and thunderstorms that were predicted, but never materialized, would toss them from the nest.  

Early this afternoon the ventured over and further from their nest. Strong winds, but no rain yet, have been going on all afternoon. 

The next step for them is to figure out how to flutter down from their tree limb for a soft landing.  I went out again later in the afternoon and neither fledgling is on the limb.  The sharp clucks of one of the adult birds can be heard, but I did not locate the babies.  Fortunately, in my neighbors' yard, as in my yard, there are plenty of good hiding places for them.

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