Thursday, April 27, 2023


This might seem over-the-top - after all, it's only a blog - but after writing approximately 12,000 words about a trip with so much going on, there are acknowledgements to make.  In no particular order, all are equally important.

Not a good photo, but an important bird:  Malabar parakeet (Psittacula columboides)

To my doctor, also unnamed, who was so helpful to me during the initial days of my COVID ordeal.  It was her idea to take along Paxlovid.  Just reading her texts with her practical and encouraging advice buoyed my spirits.  In retrospect, I understand why the ATO and WWE would not agree to speak with her.  She would have cleaned their clocks.  She's a great doctor!

To Shaji, my driver for 2-1/2 days.  I wish it could have been more days.  Everyone's life includes a bit of luck.  I don't know how I got so lucky to have Shaji as my driver.  My plan is to return to Bangalore after my friend and her family move into their new apartment.  Hopefully, I will be able to hire Shaji and we will all take a trip to Hampi together.  No binoculars needed!  Thank you Shaji.

To our excellent tour organizer and field guide (IFG).  During my COVID ordeal, he was stuck in the middle (the worst place to be) trying to negotiate for my return to the group.  He did his own research with objective sources and he read each of my doctor's texts.  He may have used this information to win battles for me.  During the coup d'etat he was on the front lines trying to preserve the integrity of the trip.  A real mensch in the unexpected and unenviable position of having to deal with self-absorbed jerks.  I doubt the opportunity to take another trip with him will present itself, but who knows.

The group included a married couple, also unnamed, who advocated for me during the COVID drama.  I didn't know it at the time, but I do now, and I thank them. 

To my friend, Deepa, in Bangalore -  a new friend who feels like an old friend - I hope we are friends for a very long time. 

Following my truncated efforts to document the 2020 north India trip on my blog, I dedicate this trip blog to south India and the Andaman Islands.  It's not what I was expecting to write, but I hope I finally did India justice with these entries.  It's a fantastic country and fingers crossed,  I'll be able to return.   

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