Monday, January 16, 2017

Mopane worm

My niece is in Botswana for the next 20 months with the Peace Corps (having begun her service back in October 2016).  She was with friends and took this photo and WhatsApp'd it to my mother.  I copied it to include in my blog.

This is a mopane worm – an edible caterpillar that is a highly popular snack in Botswana!  They come out in the rainy season and are fried and sold to eat.  I shamelessly lifted directly from Wikipedia: Gonimbrasia belina is a species of emperor moth which is native to the warmer parts of southern Africa. Its large edible caterpillar, known as the mopane worm or mopani worm, feeds primarily but not exclusively on mopane tree leaves. Mopane worms are an important source of protein for millions in the region.

Crazy Botswana kids.  I like their adopted puppies too!

Botswana sunset.

I imagine these photos were taken with my niece's smart phone.

Addendum:  May, 2017 - another photo added.

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