Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Challenge: Find the living, breathing creature in the photo?

I am reviewing and deleting photos from a recent trip to Costa Rica.  I have, so far, whittled them down from about 700 to just over 300. There are probably more that will not make the cut.  I always say that I will be rigorous with my deletes, but then I end up being wishy-washy.

My photos were overall a little disappointing, but I am also terribly out of practice.  I'll blame that on the pandemic.  My birding skills may have slipped even more then my photography skills.  I'll blame this on my eyesight.

A fun game that gives me an excuse to keep some of the photos that would otherwise be automatic deletes is to find the living, breathing creature - i.e. not flowers, foliage or debris - in the photo.  Below are some photos with such a challenge.  Some are easy, some a little harder and there is one photo that I think will challenge everyone.  Those acquainted with the habitats and birding in Costa Rica will have an easier time.  If you find the challenge too easy, then take the next step to identify which creature is in the photo.

I hope you will enjoy.  As always, click on the image to enlarge.  I'll publish the answers in my next post. 


If I find other photos that meet the difficult to find and identify criteria, perhaps I do a part two blog post.

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